That green basin used to be a flowering pot. Last week Lucyriver replanted the lily bulbs in other pots and got rid of the soil. Then Lucyriver left the basin there to find time to wash it. And who knows, it is occupied by this 'kitty' that probably wants to make it his sleeping bed. See how the soil dirtied his white coat. Aren't cats supposed to be clean animals? Since he's so cute plus a bit pity, Lucyriver will just let him have it. Temporary.
Today is sun wu kong's day and it was celebrated with 'fun' activities for the sun wu kongs. It was held at the field under the hot, believe me when Lucyriver say hot, hot morning. There are six teams; blue, purple, red, green, yellow and pink. Lucyriver is in the green.
Fun Activities
1. blowing and bursting balloons on a chair
2. fishing a bottle filled with water with a short stick tied to a large stick (imagine yourself)
3. throwing rings to encircle a bottle
4. transporting a ping pong ball on a small plastic spoon
5. rope-pullingThe green team didn't get into the top three but still we got consolation prizes. (maybe toothpaste or maggi mee)
Lucyriver wish Lucyriver had brought the camera to share with you the pictures.
After the 'fun' activities, we proceeded to the formal celebration of the sun wu kong's day in our track suits. There were boring speeches, performances by the monkeys and new sun wu kongs and of course the gift-exchanging.
Lucyriver received this gift-exchanging from a new lady sun wu kong. Lucyriver think it's some kind of a decoration cum aromatherapy. No liking or disliking.
And gifts from the kingdom of the flower fruit mountain and some monkeys as well.

On sun wu kong's day, sun wu kongs will exchanged gifts with each other. This year, we have casted lot on deciding the receiver of our gift. So, we know who we are going to give our gift to but don't know from who we are going to receive our gift. Lucyriver will be giving the above gift to a new lady sun wu kong.
Psssttt.....the gift has to be minimum RM20. Lucyriver gift is a handmade pillow with two covers and little plastic containers.
This is the bean sprouts cultivated by Lucyriver. They looked different from the 'taugeh' in the market because they are not going through the normal growth. Lucyriver's method is put a layer of cotton at the base and spread the green or mung beans all over. A tip, don't spread too many, they may look sparse but when they absorb water, they could be giants. Make sure it is never out of water but don't drown them. Just three or four days they will look like above.Actually, a layer of grass can substitute the cotton and the crucial thing is you need a weight on top of the bean to help them to grow properly. This is the tip that Lucyriver received recently but haven't tried it out. The conclusion is, don't trouble yourself planting 'taugeh' , just go and buy if you want to eat unless you are also 'wu liao' like Lucyriver.
What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.
No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.
No time to see, in broad daylight,Streams full of stars, like skies at night.
No time to turn at Beauty's glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.
A poor life this is if, full of care,We have no time to stand and stare.
People nowadays are either so busy or don't care that they have no time to stop and stare and laugh, just like the poem above "Leisure by William Henry Davies".
Look at the fallen Styrofoam cardboard above. It had fallen after someone walked by due to its lightness. It's just beside Lucyriver's seat so Lucyriver waited and watched to see how many people would walk by before someone pick it up.
People came, walked over it and people went by and it took TEN people before it was picked up by someone. And that someone is the OWNER of the cardboard herself.
Lucyriver told the owner and she experimented with another sheet of paper on the same location. This time it took three people before it was picked up by a monkey.
Lucyriver went after her and took note of her name. She's from a weaker monkey class but surely got better character.
If you do come upon something lying in your path, be it something worthy or worthless (there are exceptions ,of course, Lucyriver won't ask you to pick up shit) would you stop and perform this small deed of picking it up?