Lucyriver must say it all started with an orange or a 'kam'.
The symbol of victory.
The kingdom of the flower fruit mountain sends a team of five monkey debaters to the divisional debate among the secondary schools in Betong.

Equipt with a less than a week prepared-notes of debate topics and an orange, we set off to the hosting school in the town of
Ten schools are competiting this year with one drawing out at the last minute.

The monkey debaters must debate three motions in order to make it into the final, which is of course not in Lucyriver's expectation or hope.
Though prepared, they are still not in the favour of fighting in the battlefield. Surprisingly, sometimes you just need an orange to change the whole thing.

From the preliminary round, they go into the quarter final. From the quarter final into the semi final. Who would imagine that they even make it to the FINAL.

It definitely worth the two days. The monkey debaters know that Lucyriver have no confidence in them. One of them asks Lucyriver, "You were not confident that we would win, weren't you?"

The winning has made them push themselves to the limit. Lucyriver know they want to win the debate.

To the monkey debaters, YOU are the best.

Oh, what a luck/lark!!