Saturday, November 3, 2007

monkey jogathan day

The kingdom of the flower fruit mountain organizes a jogathan this morning. Many monkeys are participating. It is divided into ten men and women categories with a category which has no participant at all. The shortest distance covers 4km while the longest is 10km.

The prizes are trophy, medal and a hamper for the place of number one, two and three for all categories while runners in places number four till ten receive medal and hamper. Now, what do we have in the hampers - bottle of soft drinks, packets of biscuits, milo, peanuts as well as maggi mee.

When it comes to the lucky draw, Lucyriver totally had no luck. So there goes the mouth-watering hampers to their lucky owners one by one as the lucky numbers are announced. 1247, oh my 1247 where are you, my ‘lucky number’!! Guess Lucyriver is just not lucky!!

As for the outcomes, the kingdom of the flower fruit mountain raises close to twenty thousands bananas with the efforts of all the monkeys and the monkey trainers. Hopefully, the bananas will be made into good dishes.

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