The monkeys are waiting at the gate to go home. Open sesame, they must be thinking.
During the assembly this morning, the monkeys are especially loud and energetic when singing the national and state anthems. Delighted monkeys make delighted sun wu kongs, too.
Looks like the one-week holiday really cheer them up, for the moment, as they will be coming back to face a bigger challenge.
Selamat Hari Raya.
A monkey promised to bring cookies, but Lucyriver doubt it.
We had an uninvited guest this morning. This heavily pregnant feline came crashing into the class and slumped to the floor like a bag of jelly mush, motionless.
The monkeys were so excited and made a commotion out of it. One of them ran to the canteen and returned with an empty box. They put the cat into the box and surrounded it like it's some kind of precious artifact.
Then, excitedly they started to ask questions and express their opinions.
a. How long has she been expecting? (No idea, since all this while Lucyriver have been keeping male cats, with the exception of Nino of course, even then, she has been spayed.)
b. Is she going to go into labour soon? (Hopefully not now.)
c. Who is the father? (Hell knows.)
d. How many kittens is she going to have? (Errrr.....more than one?)
d.My grandmother's cat gave birth to nine (Wow!) and five died. (Oh, usually the strong ones win.)
d. Let's send her to the clinic now. (Nuts!!)
e. Pity her. (Oh gosh, the monkeys have more compassion than Lucyriver.)
Before Lucyriver left, Lucyriver told the monkeys to put her somewhere else. Guess the monkeys will keep monitoring the development of the cat.
Just finished another book of Cecelia Ahern. Lucyriver like her stories, easy to read and they touch your heart, really, as the stories go and you will always be satisfied with the endings.

If You Could See Me Now is inviting you to see something and believing that they are there. It's about love and frienship at the same time. Lucyriver do not want to spoil the story in case you haven't read it. Interested to read the book? Lucyriver can lend you the book.
It's the campaign of anti-smoking in the Kingdom of the Flower Fruit Mountain. Cute bookmarks are hung near the stairs, looking so captivating. It's hard not to glance and notice them.

Strangely, they are getting less and less. Bet they are 'captured' by the monkeys.
Anyway, Say No to smoking. Say 'Tak Nak'.