The monkeys were so excited and made a commotion out of it. One of them ran to the canteen and returned with an empty box. They put the cat into the box and surrounded it like it's some kind of precious artifact.

Then, excitedly they started to ask questions and express their opinions.
a. How long has she been expecting? (No idea, since all this while Lucyriver have been keeping male cats, with the exception of Nino of course, even then, she has been spayed.)
b. Is she going to go into labour soon? (Hopefully not now.)
c. Who is the father? (Hell knows.)
d. How many kittens is she going to have? (Errrr.....more than one?)
d.My grandmother's cat gave birth to nine (Wow!) and five died. (Oh, usually the strong ones win.)
d. Let's send her to the clinic now. (Nuts!!)
e. Pity her. (Oh gosh, the monkeys have more compassion than Lucyriver.)
Before Lucyriver left, Lucyriver told the monkeys to put her somewhere else. Guess the monkeys will keep monitoring the development of the cat.
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