Saturday, May 22, 2010


Lucyriver like this.

Last week went to visit grandaunt and these pots of orchids hanging at the stairs became the targets for Lucyriver to kill the time.

St. Joseph Church. Picture is taken from sideways.

bird nest

What do you think this is? Bird nest?Fluffy wools? Lucyriver bought this at the Satok Sunday Market in Kuching.

The lady seller said that it was made from flour and sugar. Lucyriver really had no idea what it is at that time. It looked intriguing. Two nests in one packet is sold at RM 1.50.

The mystery was solved once Lucyriver tore the nest and put it in the mouth. Darn, the two things physically are totally different but the taste is unmistakable.

Well, it's the COTTON CANDY.