Wednesday, June 10, 2015

itsukushima shrine, miyajima

From Osaka, we reached Hiroshima in just an hour and a half with the bullet train. Then we transfered to another line to Miyajimaguchi station to board the Miyajima ferry to the island. Our mission was none other than to see the torii gate of Itsukushima Shrine, one of the three scenic views in Japan. In high tide the gate will seem like floating above the water. It was low tide when we arrived and the base pillars of the gate were totally exposed. It allowed us to walk close to the gate.

The shrine is located at the foot of Mount Misen where one can take the ropeway up and continue walking up to the summit.

Deers can also be seen around the shrine. But no shika senbei for them this time.

We checked out the souvenir shops and street food along the way back to the pier. The momiji pastry in the shape of maple leaf is Miyajima's signature with a variety of fillings such as bean, cream and chocolate.

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