Sunday, July 1, 2007

spring cleaning

Our kingdom of the flower fruit mountain was having a big clean-up today. Monkeys get to go home earlier. Some had ‘homecoming’ while others chose to stay. Those went home; particularly the female monkeys must be having the phobia of staying at the monkey hostel since the sad tragedy of the two monkeys where their boat capsized last week still shrouding the atmosphere. lucyriver admit, lucyriver myself for the first two days were thinking of them as well as the light went off. lucyriver was wondering if they would appear outside the windows or would they show up at the library, returning their borrowed books, well, just lucyriver's freaky imagination, they didn’t borrow books anyway.

Browsing travel pictures, lucyriver's feet have gotten so itchy that lucyriver wish so much to just pack lucyriver's bag right away and fly. England would be really nice, lucyriver’d always wanted to go there. Paris, Hokkaido, Nepal, Tibet and even Bhutan, the lists are endless. Yet, the money sign $ will always be the thing that relinquish the desire, and not only that but time and companions.

Finding a travel companion who has the same passion as you have is more difficult that climbing the mountain. If you ever have one or you travelled with one before, count yourself as a lucky person. When friends are together, talking about going here and there is so easy but when you intend to put it into action, everyone has his or her own reasons for not being able to make it.

Money to lucyriver is something that lucyriver don’t have luxuriously. However, if you, lucyriver's friends, invite lcyriver to a trip, lucyriver will break the piggy and go with you right away. To lucyriver, if you wish to do something, do it now or else you won’t do it. Or you might miss the chance.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. To my dearest Lucyriver,

    I truly hope to be your companion to a trip but $ is the main issue for the places in your, we plan for a near one.....sylviaorange".."
