Thursday, July 19, 2007

past tense verb game

lucyriver played a verb-past tense game with the monkeys. lucyiver was real disappointed when some couldn't define the meaning of some simple verb like sell. One even asked lucyriver if it is related to red cell or white cell. lucyriver could have passed out. What the hell was lucyriver teaching them the past one year and a half. lucyriver feel real pity for them and lucyriver's heart sinks whenever they ask something that lucyriver presume their standard would have no problem understanding it.

One more thing is, no matter what lucyriver do, they still talk to lucyriver in local dialect which most of the time lucyriver couldn't decipher the meaning. Gosh, like gorilla and kingkong talking to each other.

Lately, lucyriver have been a bit strict with them. lucyriver can just feel they are starting to climb up lucyriver's head so better break their fall first before they make it to the summit. The male monkeys, lucyriver have to keep reminding them to tuck in and button their shirts and not to put their legs on the chairs. Some will carve or better lucyriver say draw motives on their hands or arms. Well, what lucyriver am to say about that. That's their tradition. Tattoes on the body. lucyriver will just threaten them that lucyriver will practice lucyriver's drawing skill on them too if they do so, with permanent marker pen. lucyriver was thinking, Hello Kitty will surely look cute on the monkeys.

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