Wednesday, January 21, 2015

first day in rms

A cab is hired to take us to Riverside Middle school every Wednesday. We have to complete 12 times of school field experience which is estimated to end by the end of March.

Everyone is so quiet in the cab, must be due to nervousness, and the cold too. After we report in at the office, we walk down to the gym where students are having their assembly every morning. 

We meet our teacher partners and introduce ourselves. Lucyriver got Ms. Hawkins, who is teaching writing (ELA) to 8th grade students, as teacher partner. She has five classes every day which each lasts about an hour. 

Lucyriver also wish to have own classroom like Ms. Hawkins has. It creates a sense of belonging and the identity of the teacher concerned. It definitely also makes things easier and convenient in many ways such as not having to lug books and teaching materials to classes.

At the end of the day, Lucyriver feel like singing 'A Hard Day's Night.' However, it is a wonderful experience being able to observe the writing lessons and the teaching methods and technology used.

We have our lunch at the cafeteria. Look, this is so typically American food. It costs $4 including a small bottle of orange juice.

The author of this publication/website is a Fellow of the International Leaders in Education Program, a program of the Bureau of the Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) of the United States Department of State, administered by IREX. The views and information provided are the grantee's own and do not represent the International Leaders in Education Program, The U.S. Department of State, or IREX.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

christmas in an american home

Christmas has long gone in December but Bill and his wife, Deby keeps all the decorations intact in his home so that we are able to see and experience Christmas in America.
Everyone is busy taking photographs in the lovely house, wandering practically to every corner of the house.
 All kinds of Christmas decoration all over the house.
 Christmas dinner.
 SWEET cakes and desserts.

chat and chew - me bag

From time to time we have chat and chew session with Margaret, which involves cultural activities. 
It is a cold morning with the sun shining, how ironic. We take a walk up to the clubhouse of our apartments. 
 It is a good walk with fascinating 'winter' scenery along the way.
 The clubhouse has a swimming pool, not that anyone would like a swim at this time, less one desires a hypothermia.
Sometimes, just sometimes Lucyriver like the sunlight.
Yanett, a fellow from Mexico teaches us how to play billiard.
The manufacture of the ME bags, with each fellow describing the reasons behind the images and names.

The author of this publication/website is a Fellow of the International Leaders in Education Program, a program of the Bureau of the Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) of the United States Department of State, administered by IREX. The views and information provided are the grantee's own and do not represent the International Leaders in Education Program, The U.S. Department of State, or IREX.

Friday, January 16, 2015

riverside middle school

Part of the ILEP program is to complete a field experience at an American middle or high school in our university host community.

The 16 of us are sorted into 3 schools;
Pendleton High School,
Liberty Middle School,
Riverside Middle School,
where Lucyriver go to with another 4 fellows.
We visit the school for the first time on a Friday, where unfortunately the teachers are having their professional development training. Thus, no teachers and students in school. Instead we are greeted by the principal, Dr. Kevin Black, who gives us a tour around the school.
 The cafeteria
 The media center or library
 The lockers
 Teacher's lounge
 A few of the achievements of the school on display.
 In a classroom
A teacher's desk
Students' work on display outside the classroom wall.
English Language Art classrooms
 Art classroom
 The gym
 Officially a member of RMS.

 In this field experience, we will each be paired with an American school teacher, who is teaching a related or similar subject. He or she will work with us to introduce us to the school, the classroom and students. We will also have the chance to participate in the school activities, events and meetings while collaborating with our partner teacher in the classroom.

The author of this publication/website is a Fellow of the International Leaders in Education Program, a program of the Bureau of the Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) of the United States Department of State, administered by IREX. The views and information provided are the grantee's own and do not represent the International Leaders in Education Program, The U.S. Department of State, or IREX.

Friday, January 9, 2015

the summit

There are four educational institutions where all the ILEP fellows are assigned to; 
Arizona State University in Arizona, 
Clemson University in South Carolina, 
Kent State University in Ohio, and 
The College of Saint Rose in Albany, NY.

Guess where Lucyriver is going? Although Lucyriver long for snow and ice, Lucyriver won't mind a place which is a bit warmer.

There you go, the 16 fellows who are going to Clemson in South Carolina. It is wonderful to see everyone is so excited departing for their upcoming 'home' for the next five months.

And here's Bill, our 'father' who is taking all the troubles to bring us 'home' safely.

We arrive late at night in Greenville and meet more of the ILEP committee members; Margaret, Megan and Hans who drive us all the way back to Clemson.

This is the interior of the apartment which Lucyriver is sharing with another fellow, Rose from Uganda. It is at the top floor. It is truly comforting to arrive 'home'. It is a complete apartment with every necessary things. Can't help but notice the thoughtfulness of things prepared and of course, that container of food. Not forgetting a file with all the essential info and a FREE mobile phone.

View from the bedroom on the first sunlight morning.
Tall trees soaring high to the sky.
These stairs are good for exercise.
  Lucyriver is told that we have an apartment with a beautiful view. Well, couldn't agree more. Love the fact that we are on the top and facing the trees. Although they are skeletons now, it won't be too long before they are dressed in greens, Lucyriver believe.

Our apartments are located in Cross Creek Court. It is called The Summit, less than 30 minutes away from the campus by bus.

The author of this publication/website is a Fellow of the International Leaders in Education Program, a program of the Bureau of the Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) of the United States Department of State, administered by IREX. The views and information provided are the grantee's own and do not represent the International Leaders in Education Program, The U.S. Department of State, or IREX.