Saturday, January 17, 2015

chat and chew - me bag

From time to time we have chat and chew session with Margaret, which involves cultural activities. 
It is a cold morning with the sun shining, how ironic. We take a walk up to the clubhouse of our apartments. 
 It is a good walk with fascinating 'winter' scenery along the way.
 The clubhouse has a swimming pool, not that anyone would like a swim at this time, less one desires a hypothermia.
Sometimes, just sometimes Lucyriver like the sunlight.
Yanett, a fellow from Mexico teaches us how to play billiard.
The manufacture of the ME bags, with each fellow describing the reasons behind the images and names.

The author of this publication/website is a Fellow of the International Leaders in Education Program, a program of the Bureau of the Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) of the United States Department of State, administered by IREX. The views and information provided are the grantee's own and do not represent the International Leaders in Education Program, The U.S. Department of State, or IREX.

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