Friday, January 16, 2015

riverside middle school

Part of the ILEP program is to complete a field experience at an American middle or high school in our university host community.

The 16 of us are sorted into 3 schools;
Pendleton High School,
Liberty Middle School,
Riverside Middle School,
where Lucyriver go to with another 4 fellows.
We visit the school for the first time on a Friday, where unfortunately the teachers are having their professional development training. Thus, no teachers and students in school. Instead we are greeted by the principal, Dr. Kevin Black, who gives us a tour around the school.
 The cafeteria
 The media center or library
 The lockers
 Teacher's lounge
 A few of the achievements of the school on display.
 In a classroom
A teacher's desk
Students' work on display outside the classroom wall.
English Language Art classrooms
 Art classroom
 The gym
 Officially a member of RMS.

 In this field experience, we will each be paired with an American school teacher, who is teaching a related or similar subject. He or she will work with us to introduce us to the school, the classroom and students. We will also have the chance to participate in the school activities, events and meetings while collaborating with our partner teacher in the classroom.

The author of this publication/website is a Fellow of the International Leaders in Education Program, a program of the Bureau of the Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) of the United States Department of State, administered by IREX. The views and information provided are the grantee's own and do not represent the International Leaders in Education Program, The U.S. Department of State, or IREX.

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